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Monday, April 20, 2020

Deconstruction of Patriarchal Myth in Githa Hariharan's The Thousand Faces of Night

The Thousand Faces of Night is a scathing criticism of the way the women are compelled to perform the subordinated roles as decreed by the patriarchy. Through the help of various myths all of which descended from patriarchal tradition the male world try to subjugate the women and instil into them a false consciousness. Devi, the protagonist of the novel, sees through the falsity of mythical stories and the so-called grand-narratives of patriarchy. Like Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior, the various accounts of trials and survivals given by the women characters in the novel ranging from the earlier narration by the grandmother to the misery of Mayamma open up a discursive space for women to initiate a feminine discourse.
  From the beginning of the novel we see how Devi is denied the choice of her own and is subjected to go through the demands of man-made order. Devi ends her desire for Dan, a person with whom she forged bonds of friendship while studying in America as it does fit in with her tradition. She comes back to India to find herself hedged in with the traditional roles assigned for the women. Her mother arranges a swayamvara for her that shows how marriage is the posited as the raison d'ĂȘtre in a traditional Indian family.  We are reminded of Judith Butler’s notion of gender construction of the female in terms of performative acts which inscribe neutral body with social constructions.
According to traditional view, Gandhari is an exemplum of a sacrificing wife who, seeing the plight of her husband, blindfolded herself. However, for Devi’s grandmother Gandhari’s act is not an act of sacrifice but an act of protest. Gandhari married her husband without having seen him and after marriage found him to be blind. She tied up her eyes out of intense anger. Equally interesting is the myth of Amba, ‘the princess who shed her womanhood through her dreams of revenge and become a man’ (35). The grandmother tells about the myth of Amba in connection with the misery of Uma who could not channelize her ill treatment into an act of protest. This filled Devi with great courage as she says:
 Close to death, she made me a gift of the ultimate fantasy: a woman avenger who could earn manhood through her penance. (40)
  That motherhood is not simply about giving birth to and feeding the child but also about performing rigorous practices continually is shown by the story of Ganga. While walking alone near the Ganga, king Shantanu came across a beautiful damsel and fell in love with her. She reciprocated his proposal with the condition that he would not stop her from doing whatever she wanted. The king agreed only to find her throwing her new born babies into the waters of the Ganga year after year. When Shantanu, unable to tolerate this, urged Ganga to stop when she was about to throw her eighth child into the water, she said, ‘Then take him and be father and mother to him. I shall not free him from life (88).’She did all this to protect her sons from a curse. Through this myth the grandmother teaches Devi that ‘to be a mother at all, you have to earn the title, just as you have to renew your wifely vows every day (89).’
Parvatiamma, the mother of Mahesh, stands as an ardent feminist who does not buckle under the onslaughts of patriarchy but rejects them to uphold a space of enunciation. Devi learns about her from the maid-servant Mayamma. Parvati, as Mayamma tells Devi, relinquished her motherhood and embraced spirituality as means of way-out. According to the traditional myth Parvati is the helpmate of Shiva and she helped Shiva attain the status of yogi by taking charge of the household activities. ‘But’, observes Sarita Prabhakar, ‘in the novel Parvati turns the story upside down as she gives up the life of a householder (57).’
  That the novel is not only about the narration of variegated patriarchal myths but also about survivals from those myths through resilience is shown clearly towards the end of the novel. We find the women in The Thousand Faces of Night tearing apart the network of myths to eke out a space for themselves. Mayamma no longer faces the threat of a drunken husband or a tyrannical mother-in-law. Devi escapes her husband’s indifference and her own nonchalance into her mother’s world of music. Sita also asserts herself by renewing her contact with the world of music that offers her a creative individuality. The music of the veena signals the end of chaos in the mind and a beginning of a life where women will have a room of their own.
  Spivak in her essay ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’ talks about the ventriloquisation of women’s voices by the British colonizers and the Indian leaders. According to Spivak, this act of ventriloquisation suppresses the real voices of women which lie hidden. Hariharan in her novel The Thousand Faces of Night tries to retrieve the lost voices of women by showing how they stand opposite to the traditional modes of representation and the novel becomes a gynocentric version of the Mahabharata. Through reworking of old myths, reshaping personal dilemmas and offering new vistas for women Hariharan joins the bandwagon of modern Indian women novelists in English. Thus Jon Mee aptly remarks:
In many respects it also marks a coming-of-age of a certain kind of women’s fiction in English in India, one that is written undisguisedly in ‘a woman’s voice’, a condition - of-woman novel. (228)

Diasporic Elements in Naipauls' A House for Mr Biswas

Exile is strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience. It is the unbearable rift forced between a human being and a native place, between the self and its true home: its essential sadness can never be surmounted. (173)
 Such kind of experience is so rife among the writers of the twentieth century, such as Joyce, Sartre, Camus, Kafka. Two World Wars, decolonisation, cold war have made this century a century of exile. Home has become an ever-elusive signified for this estranged generation. The encyclopaedic the experience, the intense the concept of home has become. This experience is more enriched by the advent of postcolonial thinkers who use their memory of dispersion to de-territorialize the history of slavery and re-territorialize an identity devoid of the trauma of exploitation and indenture.
   Displacement shapes the life of Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, known as V. S.Naipaul. He was born in 1932 in the British colony of Trinidad, displaced from Indian indentured labourers brought to work the island’s sugar plantations following the abolition of slavery. Naipaul was an alien in his homeland as his Hindu roots thwarted a total assimilation with the multiracial Trinidadian society. In an antique land away from home his forefathers attempted to maintain their identity. However, they failed completely to do so because the project of colonial hegemony has annihilated the roots and instilled into them a fragmented identity. Naipaul depicts this culture in his The Middle Passage thus:
                 A peasant-minded, money-minded community, spiritually cut off from its roots, its religion reduced to rites without philosophy set in a materialistic colonial history: a combination of historical accidents and national temperament has turned the Trinidad into a complete colonial, even more philistine than the white.(MP 89)
  This aversion to the Trinidadian society prompted him to depart for London though his experience in London was no better either. His aspiring dream to start his publishing career ended in a fiasco. His maladjustment in London was a corollary of his maladjustment in Trinidad. In his autobiographical work Letters Between a Father and Son we come across numerous episodes of his sense of unhomely in London.
  This sense of placelessness shapes the framework of Naipaulean fictions creating in his protagonists a sense of non-belongingness. Mr Biswas in A House for Mr Biswas, Indar in A Bend in the River, Santosh in In a Free State   and Willie in Half a Life search for an identity in a fluid universe. A House for Mr Biswas is an attempt to retrace the roots in a derelict land and create a universe out of chaotic world. ‘Biswas’s perpetual quest for a house as home, conceptualizes the challenges and anxieties experienced by the diaspora. A house of his own, in this sense, constitutes for him a sense of belonging. This disturbing sense of exile, alienation and uprootedness are the malaise originally experienced by exiles like Naipaul and his father. In an extended sense, the feeling presages the many journeys undertaken by Naipaul himself and his arrivals at no fixed destinations.’(Ormerod)
 Mr Biswas’s quest of having his own house starts off with the death of his father which results in a dispossession of his ancestral house. As the security of the house is dispossessed, Mr Biswas is forced to live with strangers sans maternal guidance. The effacement of ancestral lineage haunts Mr Biswas when he goes to school and finds that the world has carried no witness to his birth. When Lal insults him by saying ‘you people don’t even know how to born’ he presents before us the legacy of non- belongingness inherited from his indentured father. Kavita Nandan writes,” Biswas's story, although unique and fictional, represents the post-indenture diasporic subject's efforts to protect himself against destitution. This predicament is reinforced by the fact that he has to struggle against a history of homelessness which was a legacy of his parents.”
 His humiliating experiences as a neophyte at Pundit Jairam’s house, depressing encounter at his sister’s house are a mere prologue to his further deprivation at the Tulsi household. His momentary infatuation for Shama forces him to marry her by virtue of which he finds himself ensnared within the colonial structure of Hanuman House; a bastion of totalitarianism which bears strong resemblances with the patriarchal world of Ayemenem House in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things .The power structure of Hanuman House comprising Mrs Tulsi; the matriarch, her right –hand man Seth and Govind the policeman encroaches upon the individuality of Mr Biswas. They always remind him of his non-entity. Unable to sustain the soul crushing system, he bursts into such sporadic rebellious acts as dumping his food on Owad, calling Mrs Tulsi as the ‘old she fox’ etc.
It has been pointed out by critics that Naipaul explores landscapes in order to provide characters with a real home, a true place of belonging. Against the slippery and fluid universe his nomadic characters try to seize upon something to give permanence – Biswas’s desire for a house, Mr Stone’s scheme for the aged, Ganesh’s desire for the goals of education and religion. Through the likes of Biswas, Naipaul tries to resurrect the roots that have been erased in the Caribbean culture channelizing the feelings of exile and loss into an enchanted vision. Bruce king, thus, in West Indian Literature rightly remarks that A House for Mr Biswas “has a reputation as a New World epic celebrating the struggles of an immigrant towards acculturisation and success.”

Thematic Analysis of Amitav Ghosh's The Shadow Lines

Salman Rushdie in his essay Imaginary Homelands talks about the homogenizing tendencies of the narratives of nation and pitches the notion of imaginary homeland against the all-encompassing grand narratives of a unified national identity. He categorically writes that India, despite those panoptic nationalist views, was ultimately came into existence by the power of imagination. This anti-essentialist view of place overcoming the barriers of state- sponsored demarcating lines pervades Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines which raises serious questions regarding the validity of the concept of nation. Ghosh’s narrative, through various convoluted time-shifts, lays bare the fragility of drawing borderlines to separate one nation from another. It goes without saying that the concept of nation has been instrumental in the emergence of new countries earlier subjugated by colonial rule. It bolstered the vision of a country fragmented and mutilated by the colonial administration. However, the concept of nationalism has also been a pretext for sowing the seeds of separatism, communality and racism in postcolonial countries. Edward Said in his Culture and Imperialism is critical of the notion of post-nationalism which advocates a complete rejection of imperial cultures and spreads the desire of difference. According to Said, this notion is circumscribed by the reiteration of the colonial discourse.
           Ghosh in his The Shadow Lines has documented the man- made barriers and prejudices which have given birth to fissiparous identities. The title is evocative of the shadowy qualities of barriers. However, there are instances galore in the text that authenticates the fact that cultural ethos cannot be made divisive in spite of the drawing of these arbitrary lines. Though the novel presents sporadic references of partition in different parts of the narrative, Ghosh’s aim is not to chart the cataclysmic horror that followed partition immediately. His concern is much deeper as he confronts such questions as what constitutes freedom and how dominant nationalist discourse constructs borderlines for political interests. He calls into question the basic rubric of modern nation states that simultaneously advocate freedom and separatism.

Against the official version of the concept of nationalism, Ghosh offers us his idealistic version of internationalism which aims at bridging the gulf between various nations. In that idealised world borders would be non-existent and nationalism an invalid discourse. The mutual relationship between two families from India and England over three generations is suggestive of this view-point. The friendship between Justice Chandrasekhar Dutta-Chaudhuri and Lionel Tresawsen in Calcutta in 19 th century survives even after the independence of India. In post-independent India the cordial relationship is manifest in the form of love affair between Tridib and Mary. Moreover, when Tridib is killed in an accident, the narrator finds a moment of bliss in the arm of May indicating how relationships transgress the territorial limitations of nations.
        The critique of narrow nationalism is seen in Ghosh’s presentation of the grandmother who stands as a staunch supporter of militant nationalism. She harbours the idea that only clear cut tangible boundaries will eliminate tension between communities. She is highly critical of Ila who is enamoured of western world. She is also contemptuous of Tridib who, according to her, plays ducks and drakes with his father’s money and is nothing but a loafer and a wastrel. Thamma also cherishes romantic notions about nationalism. She remembers the incident during her college days when a young reticent young man was arrested and deported to the Cellular Gaol in Andaman Islands. She is fascinated by that incident which shows her desire to be a part of the militant group.
That violence cannot be checked by demarcating lines is seen in the incident of the theft of the hair of the seer Mohammad, called ‘Mui-Mubarak’ in 1963. Though the incident took place in Srinagar it created tumult even in East Pakistan. It created so much an impact that Karachi labelled 31 December as a ‘Black Day.’ The violence in Dhaka in 1964 that took the lives of so many people including Tridib was an offshoot of this communal disharmony. The total episode of the theft of the hair and the resultant violence that engulfed people crossing borderlines indicate that lines are arbitrary and mirage-like. At a single provocation the tremor of violence can cross borders with in a twinkling of an eye.
     Ghosh complicates the issue of merely critiquing nationalism in his presentation of Ila. Hers is a story of failed cosmopolitanism. She denies any importance to the role of imagination to produce her own version of imagined community. Her psyche is shaped by the ‘world -wide string of departure lounges.’ Though she had the wherewithal to travel to many places crossing the borderlines she did not use this opportunity to invent her version of borderlines. That is why Tridib and the narrator criticise her:
       I could not persuade her that a place does not merely exist, that it has to be invented in one’s imagination; that her practical, bustling London was no less invented than mine, neither more nor less true, only very far apart. It was not her fault that she could not understand, for as Tridib often said of her, the inventions she lived in moved with her, so that although she had lived in many places, she had never travelled at all. (Ghosh, 21)
Shrieking any association with India she becomes enamoured of western cultures. Her choice of Nick as husband also shows her penchant for imbibing westernized values. In order to give validity to her life she holds on to other people’s invention. She becomes obsessed with the idea of getting recognition in the western world. She is ineffectual to bridge these two systems into an association and ends up prioritising the western enlightenment as a superior system.
     The ugliest feature of nationalism is its communal frenzy. Some fanatical zealots, mistakenly constructing the idea of nation along religious lines, indulge in torturing the people of other religions. Public archives are generally silent in documenting such shameful incidents lest the idea of nationhood promoted by the state should receive a setback. That is why the death of Tridib in communal riot received hardly any mention in the leading newspapers at that time. The narrator experienced a fearful traumatic moment of having his school bus attacked and being pursued by the crafty mob. Ghosh excavates such buried stories annihilated under the Juggernaut of nationalism.
Through various episodes of the novel Ghosh deconstructs the doctrine of nationalism by calling into question the statist version of history upon which the idea of nationalism is ensconced. To avoid the pitfalls of nationalism Bill Ashcroft proposed the concept of ‘Transnation’ that exposes the difference between the inhabitants of the nation and the administrative structures of the nation which is called the state. Transnation, according to Ashcroft, is the process of transgressing outside of the state that starts with the nation. Ghosh in his novel similarly advocates a transnational identity for the individual to overcome the circumscribed boundaries of nation state. Through Tridib’s notions of space and the illogical nature of arbitrary lines Ghosh enjoins upon the architects of states with boundaries to rise above centripetal outlook, fanaticism and parochialism and envision a world sans any border, a world where would be no division between the self and the other. Moreover, Ghosh’s narrative overcomes the ‘anxiety of Indianness’ (as Meenakshi Mukherjee uses the term) by not presenting a simplistic, all-encompassing, homogenized idealization of nationalism as a compensation for writing in English, the language of the coloniser. On the contrary, by delineating the ‘temporality’ and ‘locality’ of culture, as Homi k Bhabha advises, the novelist prioritizes the small narratives over grand narratives to reconstruct a national consciousness not defined by the entrenched representation of statist ideology.